The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) has released nine new reports this week that review the research on education programs, curricula, and strategies. Here three of the most important to us:
The WWC has reviewed 129 studies and examined the effects of Corrective Reading on adolescent learners' alphabetics, reading fluency, and comprehension. Full report.
Accelerated Math™ is a software tool used to customize assignments and monitor progress in mathematics for k-12 students. The WWC checked out 32 studies that investigated the effects of Accelerated Math™ on elementary school students. Full report.
ClassWide Peer Tutoring is a teaching strategy that uses a team-focused game format to engage students in the learning process. For this review of the research, the WWC identified eight studies that examined the effects of ClassWide Peer Tutoring on English language learners. Full report.
For commentaries of the other six reports, please visit Education Research Report.
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Milton Ramirez
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