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Using Cellphones When They Are Not in All Students' Hand

We have written many times about banning cellphones in the classroom. But there is the case where teachers had endured the no-no approach from many other colleagues in school.

Cellphones, indeed are an effective learning tools if you know how to incorporate them in the curriculum. Mobile learning comes just in hand with the crescent use of gadgets and gizmos nowadays. If we, as teachers, are unable to handle learning in this environment is not students fault. It is our responsibility.

Lisa Nielsen in her The Innovative Educator writes about 7 ideas to work in a classroom where not all students happen to carry out a cellphone.

Of course, if you already are giving a break to heavy users of SMS and all mobile learning gadgets, feel free to contribute to the list:

    1. Checking out a device from school i.e. laptop, iTouch, cell phone
    2. Connecting with community businesses willing to provide students with afterschool access to technology.
    3. Connecting students with mentors who could ensure students had access to technology.
    4. Partnerships with local library.
    5. Outreach to cell phone providers to donate minutes/equipment for students in need.
    6. Setting a place in the school (i.e. library, lab, classroom) for after school/ before school access to school technology.
    7. Partnering classmates who can share technology.

We are still on time to learn from so populated nations like China.

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