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Using the Phone as a Learning Device: Myth or Reality

Being this our inaugural post on the 2011, we had to select the cream of the best in order to have a head start this new year. We haven't found recent articles on any of her blogs, but she is an instructor at the University of Michigan, an adjunct Professor at Madonna University, and a former high school teacher and technology coordinator.

Elizabeth F Kolb has written an interesting article about uses of cellphone in the classroom. There are a list of suggestions about the procedure: Being a documentarian, a writer, an expert, a mobile journalist, an oral historian, a radio star, a musician and a a good communicator. Overall, be organized, something education professionals forget when having cellphones taken into classrooms.

Cellphones can be carried along during classes, we just need to get students accustomed to what is expected while in school grounds.

Parents can also get involved in good uses and practices with cellphones. Ms. Kolb suggestions:

    » First, make sure your child knows everything on a cell phone is public and permanent. "Kids need to understand that once they post on the Internet, it's there for eternity because everything on the Internet is archived. It needs to be something appropriate which represents them well," Kolb says.

    » If your teen wants to be a mobile reporter, he needs to make sure that he gets permission from everyone in his photo or video before he posts.

    » Parents should be the ones doing all the posting at first, so they're modeling the behavior for their kids. Kolb recommends that you explain your motives to your child, for example, "It's going to a private account because it's just for our family to see,” she says.

    » If your child wants unlimited text messaging or costly extra features, Kolb recommends setting up some kind of work plan to help pay for it, either through an outside job or chores around the house.

To turn from a doubtful teacher, into one with confidence, takes work and effort. But using cellphones in your class is definitely something you should pursue during the 2011.

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