But that's another topic. To the point being, I just read an interesting letter forwarded to Angela Maiers by a teacher who wanted her opinion on the PD guidelines sent by the instructional leader at his institution. The document says all, I just want to reproduce it without permission of the Maiers Education Services:
- Staff Development Guidelines:
1. We start at 8:00 AM (last session ends at 3:30)
2. ALL teachers will be need to be here.
3. Think of it as YOUR STATE TEST DAY. Just like we tell the kids before taking the test. Get lots of rest the night before, eat a good breakfast (make sure there is some protein and not a lot of sugar) and drink water! It is intense because there is so much to think about. It’s good stuff, so be ready.
4. Bring water to drink throughout the presentation…your brain will need it.
5. For the first 2 hours you will not be in TEAMs or Grade Levels! You will work with your TEAM in the last hour. Specialists will each choose a grade level to work with at that time.
6. Eat a high protein, low fat, low sugar lunch. Take a short walk if possible.
7. PM session starts at 12:30 at your designated location.
8. This also will be intense and as I have said previously…SIT BY SOMEONE WITH WHOM YOU AREN’T GOING TO HAVE SIDE BAR CONVERSATION !!! If you miss a word or two, it could skew your understanding.
If I had my way, we would have a late start on Wednesday so that you could have time to digest the day. My suggestion is this: If you have Wed am tutoring, cancel that day and tell kids they will not be coming in before the bell for just that day.
» Come to school half hour early, close your door and have your lights dimmed.
» Put a ‘DO NOT DISTURB’ sign on your door and some soft, soothing music on.
» Take that time to look through your Curriculum Day notes and jot down thoughts, ideas….give yourself some time to reflect and digest, even if it’s just a short time. There are no TEAM meetings that day, use that time also, if possible.
We are embarking on a new dawn in teaching. Our conversations about what we are doing will change. What we learned before is now background knowledge. We need to think about the delivery of instruction in a different mode for a different generation. Classrooms where you can hear a pin drop are passe’ and our students are actively engaged MOST of the time.
See you Wednesday, Staff!
My reaction? This is a really "new dawn in teaching." But in the opposite direction!
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Milton Ramirez