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How Can Educators Capture Youth's Attention?

And one more question: How can educators captivate students love for school when home life is so tough and at times impoverished?

School as we know it is a safe place for the children it serves. We can capture their attention by instilling in them that there is someone that does care about life. Showing children a new path and direction we can help them open up their eyes to things they have never explored before.

Almost most teachers are willing to go the extra step to help find interventions for their most troubled students. It takes hard work to get a child to gain trust and open up. It even takes teachers to act like parents of these children. But in the long run it pays to do that.

Many need confidence that can be gained by celebrating their successes. In other cases, teach those students simple tasks as how to get stains out of their uniforms (yes, in this part of the U.S. students already use uniform)when others can not do so, shows an educator do care about these children. And they notice it.

Schools are safe heavens because children, in most of the times, spend more time in school than they do in their own home.

What are you doing to gain attention and love from you own students?

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