As customary, most blogs make their own top lists at the end of a year. In Education & Tech we were celebrating and didn't plan on time this round up. We now have the pleasure to present the 12 Best Posts About Education & Technology during the 2011.
We also want to celebrate your visit and reading of this blog by wishing a joyful and prosperous new year 2012.
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1. Report: Students in Interactive Class Are Nearly Twice as Engaged as Counterparts in Traditional Class.
2. How to Interest Youth Hispanic Community In the Study of Science And Math.
3. Could Chewing Gum Really Boost Students Grades?
4. School Structure: Don't Blame the Others, Blame Yourself.
5. Technology is wonderful...but it is leaving our families isolated.
6. Parents: How You Can Help If Your Child Is Lagging in Math.
7. In Defense of the American Public Education.
8. Why Do We Need More Face to Face Communication.
9. Jobs Was a Leader In Revolutionizing Education And Tech.
10. "Real education is [not] looking up factoids about the world."
11. If Students Don't Learn, That's Because They Fall Short On Sleep
12. Social Media Is Changing the Way We Communicate. [Infographic]
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Milton Ramirez
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