The Music Educator Award was established to recognize educators who have made meaningful contributions to the field of music education as well as pledging to maintain music educations in school.
Music teachers John Gillick from Terrill Middle School and Juan Pineda from Academy for Performing Arts both from Scotch Plains, Union County, were named quarter-finalists for the first-ever music educator award presented by the Grammy Foundation announced Grammy In The Schools.
The report says that more than 30,000 initial nominations, a total of 217 music teachers from 195 cities across 45 states have been announced as quarterfinalists for the Music Educator Award presented by The Recording Academy and the GRAMMY Foundation. The full list of 217 quater finalist music teachers has been made available on their page.
One recipient will be selected from 10 finalists and will be recognized for his/her remarkable impact on students’ lives at a special merit awards ceremony and nominees reception during Grammy Week 2014.
The winner will be flown to Los Angeles to accept the award, attend the 55th Annual GRAMMY Awards® ceremony and receive a $10,000 honorarium. The nine finalists will receive a $1,000 honorarium and the schools of all 10 finalists will receive matching grants.
Congrats to the Union County teachers who happen to made that list!
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