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3 Things That Make Big Differences in the Classroom

Maths in classroom by Charles Pieters on Flickr
Teachers have a daily workload that begins before school and it only ends at the time they hit their beds. That's a good reason to remember that classroom activity doesn't have to be so stressful if we give something from ourselves, rather than teachers but humans. Below you'll find little things that make a big difference in your classroom brought to you by Enroll - Collaborative Blogging:

Keep smiling: It gets students so motivated to learn because they have the impression and even the belief that their teacher is friendly and tolerant with the many problems they have to face in their learning process. They’re at ease to ask questions when unable to understand, ready to take risks while giving answers and actively connecting to what the teacher is doing.

Never frown in the face of students.

Give a positive feedback: When a student does something, he believes that he’s done it well; otherwise he might not have done it in the first place. Instead of saying for instance "that’s bad" or "that’s a shame", it would be positive to say "good job" or "you can do better". It could be so motivating for students, especially low-achieving ones to progress.

Celebrate success: By stopping to highlight their achievements, it boosts their egos and increases their self-confidence that nothing is impossible to happen. Rewarding them with little gifts such as chocolate, sweets, postcards, short stories or books in general can be practical to remind them of what they were able to do with the skills and competencies they have acquired in the classroom.

Little thing can make a big difference. Isn't it?

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Milton Ramirez

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