Chicktionary: The Goofy New App That Makes Learning Vocab Fun http://t.co/wPg9DMjVjC
So You Flunked A Racism Test. Now What? : Code Switch : NPR
Via @NPR: So You Flunked A Racism Test. Now What? http://t.co/7tu7oZIpVP
40 Questions that Will Quiet Your Mind
40 Questions that Will Quiet Your Mind http://t.co/jx2ipVwChX
The surprising number of parents scaling back at work to care for kids - The Washington Post
The surprising number of parents scaling back at work to care for kids via @washingtonpost http://t.co/B6jQR23vEg
A British perspective on Twitter for educators https://t.co/pThKgAmBHD
The Next Tech Thing: Techcognition in an Attention Economy
An awareness & understanding of one's own use of tech: Techcognition http://t.co/MJYF17cYfW … #edtech #edtechchat #digcit @CommonSense
Teaching with the Internet; or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Google In My Classroom - Hybrid Pedagogy http://t.co/SpjQl6nO6o
A Teacher Uses 'Star Trek' for Difficult Conversations on Race and Gender
A Teacher Uses 'Star Trek' for Difficult Conversations on Race and Gender http://t.co/oDSxzew9cQ #psychology #education #sociology
Cornell University - World’s largest natural sound archive now fully...
"World’s largest natural sound archive now fully digital and fully online." http://t.co/MexsPY1KS7 #scichat #biology #audio
How Your Personality Determines How You Learn | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
How Your Personality Determines How You Learn http://t.co/eCn9iLqP3z
4 Things Transformational Teachers Do | Edutopia
MUST READ: 4 Things Transformational Teachers Do http://t.co/BKbmpu9lIc Great post on @edutopia by @finleyt #edchat
Alice in WonderTech: Creating an Environment That Discourages Plagiarism
How to create a rich writing environment that discourages plagiarism via @WonderTechEdu http://t.co/h9TYZUs5nA
100 Schools Worth Visiting | Getting Smart
100 #Schools Worth Visiting http://t.co/ctqRqM9GYR via @Getting_Smart #EdChat #Edu
Essential Habits of an Excellent Educator | Edutopia
Essential Habits of an Excellent Educator http://t.co/32voZ9iCoZ
A 12-year-old girl got a higher IQ score than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking
A 12-year-old girl got a higher IQ score than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking http://t.co/S6atRCc6vx
Education Panorama (August ’15) | @TeacherToolkit
“It is the students who make the progress, not the teacher.” by @mrhistoire Feat here: http://t.co/S3AngRVTZ8 http://t.co/fMwLMVWsAm
10 Ways to use Instagram in the classroom - Daily Genius
10 Ways to use Instagram in the classroom #Edchat http://t.co/rBM6Hl01vv
The Other Talk That You Need To Have With Your Kids - Forbes
Only 57% of parents with kids ages 13+ have talked with their kids about how the family will fund their education: http://t.co/XPGPfug7Xj
Women AREN'T in Tech, but they ARE in EdTech... Why? - Forbes
Interesting question from @Forbes - there are more women in #EdTech than in other tech industries...but why? http://t.co/IQPmFEvzad
Learning with 'e's: Corporate learning in the digital age
Corporate learning in the digital age http://t.co/oIY5WUt9Xh
Free Technology for Teachers: Skaffl - Distribute, Collect, and Grade Assignments on Your iPad
Skaffl - Distribute, Collect, and Grade Assignments on Your iPad. http://t.co/9TUSIhUHDK
Parenting in a World of Social and Technological Transformation | DMLcentral
Parents everywehre invest in their children's education. How can we support them in this? @dmlresearchhub http://t.co/XxpnDjZB9p #edchat
Study Ties Picky Eating In Preschoolers To Anxiety, Depression, ADHD And Family Problems - Forbes
Study Ties Picky Eating In Preschoolers To Anxiety, Depression, ADHD And Family Problems http://t.co/YQjZ9jzmk5 #edchat
Former teachers union leader u
Former teachers union leader urges educators to “own” accountability and make the case for public schools: http://t.co/PbwzbUl947… @PFToner
Rafe Esquith’s “Shakespeareans” Respond to Misconduct Allegations | Andrea Gabor
x-Students of beleaguered, "best-teacher-in-America," Rafe Esquith, respond 2 misconduct alleg's http://t.co/s3TatMoSqy @SirKenRobinson
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