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Sonopia: Make your own mobile network

This week was launched Sonopia, a social mobile network which allow you to connect with others who share your interests such as photos, mobile blogs. Sonopia works with Verizon to handle calls and data transfer, and lets anyone from a rock band to a church group set up their own mobile network brand(MVNO). Now anyone can set up their very own network. Want to spread a word about a new song release, an special event or keep everyone posted about what's going on in your personal business.

Since Sonopia doesn’t charge set-up costs, there’s nothing stopping you from setting up your own mobile network today. It might not make you a telecom mogul, but it could provide a nice additional stream of income. Give it a try.

It is very important now we can enhance our social networks beyond English speakers. The English has being supplanted of his throne[ES]. We used to think that majority of blogs were written in English, as if the Eastern civilizations were not important and central in the present world. All we know that there are tons of things in the network written in Japanese, Chinese, Farsi, Thailander, Korean, Malayan etc, but the concrete data just begin to appear.

Japanese the #1 blogging language at 37%, English second at 33%, Chinese third at 8%, Italian fourth at 3%.

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