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Why do you need an online identity?

Paul Stamatiou has written a excellent post about the answer to this matter.  I can't do more than certify that Paul's exposicion is correct and certanly true.   More and more people is getting online and when they need to find something, in this case YOU, your person or your name, the very first thing that comes to their mind is to google it to see what it comes.  Google does  its searching and voilá, there you go.  Zero results or myriad of information about yourself.

In other ocasions we had discussed the oportunities for people who are looking for  moving up in the labor stairs, we had also linked to articles about the cons of having an online identity. However, our own experience tell us that it's a good thing to have your own website, especially whether the domain is your name or if you at least can have your blog where on a daily basis publish and let the internauts know about your interests and opinions.

There you go then, keep it up!


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