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Karyn Romeis on Smart Boys, Bad Grades

Karyn Romeis leads her L&D consultancy called Learning Anorak Ltd. but she also writes on her Karyn's erratic learning journey. We should nominate her for the Eddies as she calls it, but we are not making those list, for now.

There is a post of hers, that we really love it and we would like to share it with you. It's on the school experiences of her son. The heading said: Good teacher, bad learners? and she stressed, "I must remember that one if ever I run a workshop that doesn't go over well."

We don't pretend to make a presentation of her blog but to share with our readers, a blog that really deserve to be read. Today, she's suggested some interesting tips for parents and it's on the issue: Smart boys, bad grades. Karyn refers a link where you can easily spot that "the underlying reason boys get worse grades and attend higher education in declining percentages is because boys have different biological and neurological characteristics than girls". You should go over her blog and read her 'checks' for every item, we are solely going to list them:

1. Ask your boy, How was your day?
2. Every day, tell your boy, You are a good kid.
3. Allow and encourage computer work.
4. Minimize punishment for behavior that does not hurt others.
5. Give him $10. Immediate, unexpected reward is great reinforcement.
6. Advocate for your boy.
7. Talk to teachers.
8. Talk to your doctor.
9. Guys are critical.
10. Explore alternatives to your current school.
11. Talk to school counselors.
12. Ask about modifications.
13. Talk to other parents. It helps.
14. Let your boy know what is up with Smart Boys, Bad Grades.

Long list. But smart boys deserve the attention they've earned. Make sure you read the comments in the bottom of Karyn's post, as well.

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  1. Thanks for the shoutout, TonNet. I am flattered that you consider my blog worthy of an Eddie nomination... that would be a first!

    Like most learning professionals, I am also a parent, and many of my life lessons in learning have come from my experiences with my own sons.

    Their learning journeys matter to me, and I try to allow that concern to permeate my professional endeavours. After all - everybody's learning journey is important and deserves to be taken seriously.
