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We Are a Society of Multitaskers

We? I cannot handle at once: cellphone, computer, TV, iPad and any other gadget you might want to bring into discussion. However, that's an apple pie for this generation and for most of our students. That's the reason why we teachers need to be prepared to deal with cellphones in the classroom.

Colleen Ruggieri has the background and the experience to pay attention to. She wrote a guest post about cellphones, telling us that they are impossible to monitor. Wait. Do not walk away just yet. She's not against its use. Ruggieri invites colleagues to allow and use cellphones in classroom, either to complete surveys or for the joy of learning.

This is only one example of how she is using the so prohibited cellphones in her English class at at Canfield High School:

    This year, while my students were studying The Scarlet Letter, the media coverage of Tiger Woods’ infidelity hit the world by storm. My students made real world connections with their phones and Ipods as they read online news sources about the scandal. Learners analyzed articles for sensationalism and bias and then went on to make text-based connections with the novel. And guess what? They actually had fun doing it.

And you? Allowing its use in yours?

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