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Speech Blogging For Ten More Years of Weblogs

I am happy that now I have working my Peek-a- Boo-Navbar. Thanks to Kaie Chen a very interesting weblog publisher with home in Taipei. Go and say hi from bple and I really recommend his blog. He's in the Big Leagues!

Louiss Lim just updated his old Blogging Secret. Now he's using a Wordpress like template but with three columns. Great work Louiss and thanks for keep your readers in mind and up-to-date. You're also in the Big Leagues.

He says he's not being paid for this ad but he made a synopsis of Naturally Speaking, anyway. Yes, E. Dans wrote a good review of this application which allow you to publish to your while you speak. I wonder whether this will save us time or will do a big mess with our posts!

Here a summary of what happened in the last ten years in the Blogosphere. Spaniard newspaper El Pais says "La 'blogosfera' es el espacio de la Red en el que comunidades de todas las lenguas y culturas construyen a diario nuevas formas de conversación, expresión y conocimiento".

Are you still struggling to have a search-friendly blog? No more, Library Clips has made a discover with the Google Toolbar and presents a roll of findings with other search engines, as well.

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  1. Hello TonNet, thx for kindly introducing me...although this post has been posted for a ver long time...but I just trace from my back link...anyway just say hello to u..
