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Education, Why Is So Important And Still Matters

Clarence Fisher. About insolated learning spaces:
They are only learners who need to be alone if they want to be. We have proved that allowing students to work collaboratively with others around the globe is not only possible, but very positive. We need to develop a culture in that makes flexible teams that consist of both local and international members something that is not only possible, but is respected. We need to move the technical and cultural bars in our classrooms towards making these possibilities happen. We as teachers not only need to help students form these networks, but make accessing them a regular part of how learning happens in classrooms.

George Siemes. What's wrong about predicting educational future:
I distrust reports that tell me what will happen in education, technology, economy, and society in the next 25 years. Let's be honest. We don't have a clue. Predictions were easier to make when we could extrapolate periods of slow change to logical outcomes. But industries are now re-written overnight. Music, software, videos, mobile phones - pick a field...the development pace is so rapid that predictions which turn out to have merit may well have more to do with luck than insight.

Mr. Lawrence. I lost it! -Little sense of privacy or boundaries:
I paused and he smiled. Hoping he wasn't telling me what I figured he was telling me, I responded, "Your cell phone? Your mind?" Soon, one of the other students in the class (a female) spoke up, "Oh my God, now you told everybody, it's no big deal." He was beaming, and proud.

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