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Socializing a Lesson's Plan. Using Wikis...

We hope you know what to do with a wiki(not always a good tool for design of curricula) and how they are handy tools helping you elaborate and construct lesson's plan as MGuhlin.net has reported today. He helped someone else hanging up a wiki, a project a fellow teacher is working on, here.

He's working on a scope and sequence for my class. The scope and sequences will be built for the 6-8 TA TEKS and he's pulling from a variety of sources to put it together. Even if you feel like you may not be able to help then periodically check it out, e-mailed Miguel this fella.

MGuhlin has made his part and he's found some points the curriculum the author should change:

-Course seems computer literacy more than technology literacy focused.
-Why not use Moodle glossary instead of MS Word for a WordWall?
-What is Tech Connect accounts?
-How is this relevant to anything? It seems like the journal entries are fabricated with no relation or connection to the power that social computing offers.
-The Read/Write Web isn't a part of this.

The editor of Around the Corner closes his post when he recalls Vicki Davis and Julie Lindsay's work to get conversations rolling on "content that matters that is relevant to the technology that is being used, rather than coming up with content that has no purpose except to encourage students to learn a technology."

I will incorporate under "Create Rules" the following contract(sorry I don't remember where I've found it, but it's not mine), to be signed by teacher and student.

Remember:Even if you feel like you may not be able to help then periodically check it out

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