NASA Has Been Breeding Jellyfish in Space for 20 Years
We (humans and jellyfish) sense both gravity and acceleration using otoliths, calcium crystals in our inner ears that move ultra-sensitive hair cells, thus informing our brains which way gravity is pulling us.
Rise of the Connected Superintendent — Joe Mazza
“#satchat #edscape” like that! I will share!
Best English Learning iPad Apps Used by Teachers.
EdTechReview™ - Grammar Up, Socrative, English LaunchPad, Speakingpal.
5 Reasons to Teach Kids to Code.
Ed Tech Ideas | via @apuustin - #edchat #learning
Publication production, the ultimate in project based learning with technology.
Trusting the students’ knowledge of technology and reporting and allowing them to take risks can produce some of the most rewarding classroom experiences.
Why Is So Much Content Aggregation Still So Sleazy?
Journalists who would never dream of plagiarizing someone else’s work when writing original material, think nothing of plagiarizing when writing about someone else’s work.
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