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Teaching As Modeling

This could be certainly arguable but it is true, Richardson writes:

...I think, teaching is modeling. As a writing teacher, I wrote with my students. As a journalism teacher, I wrote for publication with my students. As a literature teacher, I practiced and modeled reading for my students. Modeling is teaching, and never has that been made more apparent to me than when my own children act out and reflect my own bad behavior back to me. (It happens more than I like to admit.) My own kids, it has become clear, learn less when I talk, more when I do. And so it is with me.

Think how much we would be changing the world if we were to change ourselves, not by force of social influence but by self-interest, by that internalized desire to do something that we really want to do. Be the model then not only for your children but for your social environment. It's not too late!