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Ecuador Social Citizen Journalism

A report from Nielsen Online shows the following results for social networking sites and blogs among which Facebook, LinkedIn and Club Penguin are with the most significant growing. Between 2006 and 2007, Facebook jumped from 8,682 to 19,519 users; LinkedIn went from 1,705 to 4,919 both with an average of 157% of increase.

Why Am I pointing this out? Because the number of online users who are looking to engage in social networks are on the move. Despite the numbers of blogger that are using Blogger as hosting for their free blogs, the company with the best results has been Wordpress.com, they were from 2,10 to 411,440 which represents the 444% of incorparated new users.

In this frame Ecuador after a few hours will start testing the output of its new Citizen Journalism oriented newspaper: Ultimas Noticias. This new project, according to Christian Espinosa, one of the most read online jornalists, is owned by the El Comercio Group. Let's keep track of this launching by 9:00 PM (Eastern Time), follow the links trend using the Microsoft Link Command, +linkdomain:http://www.ultimasnoticias.ec/.

Even tough, citizen journalism is not a new concept, it is for Ecuador. A good example is being set by Global Voices Online. They're at the same time looking for a correspondent in this country. Cobertura Digital brings the note, as well.

Have you all a great weekend and I hope you read this post with the great Firefox, latest version.

Looking forward to know what it will be the trend results for the next year!

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