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Digital Literacy Skills: 27 Student Posted Questions to Be Answered!

It's being a while since we don't post about really related matters to this page and today we just found a new post written by the well known Wesley Fryer, where he writes from his own experiences what it means 'don't talk to strangers' and 'don't reveal personal information' and how this is related to digital citizenship.

It's no wonder he already answered seven of these questions but still we have 2 more to go. Are any of you fellow educators able or interested in answer at least one more of them?

I had picked only those relevant for us, but surely you can picked all list at techLearning.com

- Do you think the internet will ever be safe?
- How do you know if a person is safe enough to talk to online?
- What is the most difficult computer problem you have ever encountered?
- When do you know that you are being a bad digital citizen?

Challenging question for a regular parent but so easy answered for people who spent quite enough time online and knows the etiquette and procedures to follow under determined circumstances. Do not forget those question were brought by students, so they need or are in need of answers.

What it'll be your answer for any of my picked questions?

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