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Education & Tech: Top 10 Most Popular Posts 2012

Hi eveyone, this is Milton Ramirez wishing you all the best in this New Year from Union, New Jersey. I hope you have enjoyed the holidays and that you come back recharged for a new and fresh start this 2013. Tomorrow we start to work. We are lucky to have a place to make our lives productive and aside make some money.

According to Blogger metrics, our education-readers this year were most interested in articles about classroom study strategies, including the pros and cons of students wearing uniforms, social media on education, and the ever changing rol of a teacher in the new century.

And, now, here are the top ten most popular posts over this past year in Education & Tech (starting at number ten and ending at number one):

10. 35 Ed Blogs You May Not Know About (But Should)
9. Teachers: Should You Care If Students Like YOU?
8. Is the 'Unfollow' a New Norm on Twitter?
7. How Is Technology Impacting College Education?
6. Game Change: How game-based learning helps Common Core
5. How Teachers Are Isolated to Find Solutions to Adolescent Literacy Problems
4. The Changing Role of the Teacher in the 21st Century
3. The Challenging Effect of Social Media on Education
2. Should Students Wear Uniforms to School?
1. Top 10 Highly Successful Study Habits for Students

It's been great getting to know all our readers through their comments, tweets, and feedback. I hope you've found this list useful and, again, share comprehensive K-12 teacher-coverage news during 2013.

Other popular posts can be found browsing our list per year: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.

Want to add to this story? Let us know in comments, subscribe in a reader or send an email to the author at tonnet@educationandtech.com . You can share ideas for stories on the Education& Tech.

Milton Ramirez

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