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Showing posts from 2007Show all
Joost: Best SEO Plugin for Wordpress
Be Aware Whether You Are Using Adobe!
The Best Flickr Photo in the 2007
Merry Christmas to All of  You
Xmas: Santa Request Letter
Obama Knows How to Fight Hillary
Bloggeratto Is Back  in Blogspot Arena
Farewell to a Fellow Tech Blogger
Dealing with Cellphones in our Classrooms
When Talking About Google, Size Really  Matters
Image Bug in Blogger
Verizon Steps Will Change Wireless Market and Predictions for the 2008
Ecuador Social  Citizen Journalism
Steve Jobs: He Couldn't Finish College!
Holly Jobe: The Changing Expectations of Learning
Phylosophy and the Winner of the Donor's Choose Bloggers Challenge
Academic Social Networks: Academics Are Wary People
Students are in charge of their own learning. Period!
Mark Cuban  Blogworld Keynote
Do not get angry your  majesty ...
What I've Found Buzzed in Tech this Week
Teaching  how  to read and write in different modes
Exposure:  Hispanic Students Don't  Have the Same Oportunities as White Ones
Yahoo has  awakened this week
Twitter News Network
What You Might Be Missing in Tech
Great Public Schools: A Basic Right and Our Responsability
How To Cheat Schools Under Internet Filters
Social filtering : The new great challenge
Why the so popular Scoble isn't getting comments on his blog as before
Natural selection is also posible in weblogs
Paidos and Ethics
How to validate online information?
Getting to know the number of subscribers in Google Reader
Vox & Livejournal:  Where are they going?
Firefox goes mobile and  how to date offline!
A secret corner: My desktop
PageRank might be changed from yesterday now
iPhone Updated: All hacks are down now!
Is People Turning Back to the Old Media?
Dealing with Content Filtering in American Schools
Digital Equity  2.0
Feeds showing up in the search results are a bug
The Economist Debates Education   -K12Online07
Basic SEO That  Anyone Can (Even Myself) Improve
Creating readers: What's the difference between blogging and writing
Advocating a better education system  for the 21st. century
How economic class can affect children’s education